Association Philharmonique
d’Uccle asbl
Composer anniveraries this year:
Composer | Born ago | Died ago | Dates |
Boieldieu | 250 | 1775-1834 | |
Strauss, Johann Jr | 200 | 1825-1899 | |
Ravel | 150 | 1875-1937 | |
Berio | 100 | 1925-2003 | |
Scarlatti, A | 300 | 1660-1725 | |
Bizet | 150 | 1838-1875 | |
Satie | 100 | 1866-1925 | |
Shostakovich | 50 | 1906-1975 | |
Number in brackets = Number of letters in the name
1 He was British, of course - Il était britannique, évidemment (7)
2 German by birth, he became British by an Act of Parliament - D'origine allemande, il devient britannique par Acte du Parlement (6)
3 Hungarian who developed a method recognised by UNESCO - Hongrois qui créa une méthode connue reconnue par l'UNESCO (6)
4 Russian who combined a naval career with a musical professorship - Russe qui poursuivit une carrière navale et professeur de musique (15)
5 A pianist who became American after a revolution. Pianiste, il devient Américain après une révolution (11)
6 French, religious, irreverent, he was one of six - Français, religieux, irrévérencieux, il était un parmi six (7)
7 Also French, he wrote a Requiem “for the pleasure of it” - Aussi français, il écrit un Requiem “pour le plaisir” (5)
8 Was this Austrian the father of them all? - Autrichien qui était le père de tous? (5)
9 A sweet ball is named after him - Un bonbon en boule porte son nom (6)
10 Not Johan, Johann, John or Jean - Non pas Johan, Johann, John ni Jean (6)
11 His forename is like a dictionary - Son prénom ressemble à un dictionnaire (8)
12 River lover? - Il aimait les fleuves? (7)
13 Was spring the right season for him? Le printemps lui convenait le mieux? (10)
14 Serenaded neither spring, autumn nor winter - (8)
15 Man with a temperament? - Homme de tempérament? (4)
16 A Czech in America? - Tchèque aux États Unis? (6)
17 A mountain of a man when over 50 (10)
18 Perhaps he liked moonlight? - Il aimait le clair de lune peut-être? (9)
19 A fantastic composer - Compositer fantastique (7)
20 Another springtime composer - Encore un compositeur du printemps (7)
21 Born in the Netherlands (now Belgium), became French - Né aux Pays Bas (Belgique actuelle), devient français (6)
22 Associated with a Scandinavian Peter - On l'associé avec un Pierre scandinave (5)
23 Father and son - Père et fils (6,7)
24 Distant man? - Homme distant?(8)
25 His music is loved all year round - On aime sa musique toute l'année (7)
26 Miraculous Hungarian? Hongrois miraculeux? (6)
27 Was he interested in astronomy? - Il s'intéressait à l'astronomie? (5)
28 At birth he was Johan, later translated into French - Né Johan, il traduit son nom en français (8)
29 Russian waltz master (11)
30 Not a Dutchman (6)
31 He loved French literature? (6)
32 Paul (9)
33 His mania came over 100 years before “Beatle-mania” (5)
34 Loved oranges? (9)
35 Did this Frenchman walk these paths? (5)
36 Not related to twenty-three (7,7)
37 A wicked Shakespearean lady got this Russian into trouble (12)
38 A free shooter? (5)
39 This Russian was famous in his lifetime as a doctor and chemist (7)
40 Alma was not his mater (6)
41 Named after the town of his birth near Rome (10)
42 Another composer attracted to moonlight? (7)
43 Instrumental in reviving Bach's work (11)
44 A humble composer (10)
45 He was no monk but monastic songs are his claim to fame (4)
46 THE songwriter (8)
47 Very English, like his initials (5)
48 Great Dane? (7)
49 Henry (7)
50 Became a non-active member of the Italian Senate (5)
© 2019-2023 Association Philharmonique d’Uccle asbl
Avenue Legrand 88B1, 1180 Bruxelles Banque : BE93 0689 4032 2067 N° d'entreprise : 419.864.993
RPM Tribunal de l’entreprise Francophone de Bruxelles, Boulevard de Waterloo 70, 1000 Bruxelles